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weekly newsletter-2

On Thursday, I was in an accident and badly injured; I was in unbearable pain. I had cuts, scrapes, and bruises on my legs; my ankles were severely sprained and swollen, and I could barely walk.


The accident happened a couple of hours before prayer meeting; I ensured I didn’t miss attending because I know there is healing power in the Tabernacle.


The following day, the pain subsided, but I still had severe swelling and trouble walking. The man of God told me I would be completely healed by Sunday’s service.


On Friday and Saturday, I engaged in thanksgiving before God and behaved as if I were fully healed. I didn’t tend to my injuries and continued about my schedule, having the utmost faith in what the servant of God decreed.


All glory to our Almighty God; an injury that would’ve taken weeks to recover from was supernaturally healed in less than three days! Hallelujah! All the pain and swelling have gone, and even the bruising has diminished.I thank the servant of God for the wisdom of engaging in thanksgiving and behaving as if your desired result has already come to fruition. Our Pastor also taught that prayer meetings are a powerful ministration on their own and to run to the Tabernacle during tribulation, for the labourer is worthy of their reward.


What a privilege it is to be planted in a ministry where God’s miracles, signs, and wonders are on display for His children. I exalt the Most High God

Worship in North Vancouver

I glorify God for granting me the grace to control my emotions and not yield to worry or fear.

My schedule has been overwhelming and in the middle of my busiest week, my car broke down leaving me without a vehicle.

In that moment, I remembered Pastor’s teaching about worship and thanksgiving during times of tribulation; that worship makes you a warrior rather than a worrier.

Through application of this wisdom, I received an overflow of peace, joy, and self-control; I was able to make sound decisions rather than yielding to impulse.

I thank the Lord for giving me the strength to immediately detect unholy impartations of the mind, I also thank Him for the grace to remember and apply the powerful teachings of the man of God. I exalt the name of Jesus Christ!

faith healing and miracles

I glorify God for all He has done for me while planted in this powerful ministry.


I came here broken, lost, and tormented by childhood trauma.


God is so good that He brought me to this ministry; He healed me of all my strongholds within three months of being planted and taking diligent notes of the Pastor’s teachings.


After our Lord Jesus Christ delivered and healed me, I received abundant blessings and business exaltation. I praise The Almighty God for His favour!


God also unlocked His voice to me at a high degree; He has given me access to prophetic visions and warnings; I exalt the Most High God!


The wisdom taught from this altar has wholly changed my natural and spiritual life. I thank The Lord for the privilege to be trained by the man of God.


All facets of life have been transformed, I cannot thank Jesus Christ enough for what He has done for me these past couple of years! I am excited to be entering 2024 in God’s presence! All glory, praise, and adoration to Our Almighty God!

healing through prayers

About two months ago I came into the house of God and since the very first service, I knew in my soul that this truly was the house of God and that the man of God truly was a real man of God. As I came here week by week I felt the renewal of energy, a renewal of age, a renewal of health, and a renewal of my appearance. One service the man of God called me from the altar and told me that the health of God has entered inside of me and that I am radiating and glowing in appearance. I want to thank the Almighty God for the blessing of divine health and I want to thank the man of God for his prayers and his counsel in my life.


I give glory to God for renewing my health even at the age of 77 years old. All glory, praise, and honour to Jesus. I am full of energy, and I’ve never felt so healthy. Everyone keeps telling me how incredible I look for my age and this is only the handwork of the Almighty God. I give glory, honour, praise, and adoration to God! Devine health lives inside this church and it’s truly a miraculous outpour of the spirit of God! Amen!

Testimonials Christ life Embassy

The man of God taught that prayer and fasting prior to soul winning imparts the boldness of God. Yesterday was my second time evangelizing and I applied this wisdom, my brother in the Lord pointed out that my confidence and boldness has increased; I glorify the Almighty God for the visible grace. I am honoured to experience this impartation firsthand. I also praise our Lord Jesus Christ for increasing my desire to soul-win! I am filled with abundant joy during evangelism that I now hunger for it; this was also taught by the man of God and I thank him for his profound wisdom. All glory and praise to the Almighty God!

Christ life Embassy Testimonials

I was having some issues with my vision and I was told by my doctor that I have caterax. I had a medical procedure booked for last month and I did have a little anxiety about the procedure as it was somewhat serious.


One day after service I told the man of God of my upcoming surgery, and he laid his hands up on my head and he decreed healing and success in the procedure on all fronts. The following day I went for the medical procedure and by the grace of God it was a complete success and I was healed of the caterax issue in lightning speed.


I thank the man of God for taking his time to pray for my issue and I thank God for healing me and using the doctors to take this illness away from my life. All glory praise and honour to Jesus Christ for His healing power. This is truly a sanctuary of healing and I am honoured to be in God's house as He continues to heal the issues of my life one by one! Glory to God

christ life embassy ministries testimonies

By the grace of God I’ve been coming to the prayer meetings on Thursday for a few months now and I can see now onto the glory of God that my prayer life has increased leaps and bounds by Gods grace.


I am able to play longer, pray with more feverency, and by the pastors wisdom I am engaging multiple platforms of prayer that I never knew even existed. Also last week the servant of God taught about evangelism and since that very service there has been a fire and burning in my soul to win souls for Jesus Christ. By God‘s grace I have been able to step out and talk to people about Jesus and even win souls already and it’s just been one week.


It is a spectacular feeling to be able to populate the kingdom of God and it is all by the grace of God. I give Him glory, praise, and adoration. I thank the servant of God for his incredible wisdom and his feverent love for God and love for the children of God. Thank you Jesus!


I had been struggling with spiritual warfare around my home and around my atmosphere and I was in a lot of lower back pain for some time. Last Tuesday the Man of God contacted me and he said he wanted to have a spiritual council session with me. He brought me into the house of God and he brought me into his office and he gave me some deep deep insight and how to enhance my walk with God, and I felt rejoiced immediately. I asked him to pray for the pain in my lower back and as he laid his hands on me I felt power enter inside of me. Immediately it was as though that long-standing pain had vanished.


He also decreed that all evil around my encampment be burned by the fire of God and immediately I felt the strong release and freedom in my soul and mind. I really want to thank the most high God for healing my back through His servant and binding the power of the wicked in my life.


Since that day I have been pain-free and the spiritual warfare that had been encompassing me has all but vanished. I thank the servant of God for taking his time to guide me, teach me and pray for me and once again thank you Jesus for your immediate healing and restoration in these areas. All glory praise and honour to Jesus Christ.

christ life embassy testimonials-1

During my time planted in the house of God I have noticed both the desire and the power to sleep less and less. By the grace of God I would wake up earlier and earlier and earlier over time to the point I was waking up at one and two in the morning filled with energy and ready to pray and be productive. 


God has granted me the power of midnight prayer with incredible results and I wanna give glory to God and thank the servant of God for teaching us the power of midnight prayer. I am currently operating on minimal sleep a night and it is a supernatural manifestation surely as God has commissioned me to pray in those midnight hours with the fire of the spirit. Thank you Jesus for your grace and your power in this area. 

Church North Vancouver

One morning the man of God messaged me out of nowhere and he told me there is a woman sent into my life by the devil which has a Jezebel spirit. And indeed there was a provocative woman chasing me for sometime and I was having difficulty removing myself from her grasp, however two weeks ago in service, the servant of the most high God prayed for me that every Jezebel power in my life be uprooted by the fire of God. The following week this woman that has been chasing me and hounding me for so long ended up breaking up with me herself and she ran away.


I give glory to God because now in hindsight I could see that there were some negative and toxic personality traits operating inside of her. Thank you Jesus for delivering me, thank you Jesus for healing me, and I thank you Pastor for praying for me, all glory to God.

Christ Life Embassy Ministries testimonials

I came to the house of God many months ago and I can say on the first few times I attended I felt a very strong power of the Holy Spirit abide in this particular tabernacle.


I had some trauma from my past living around but as I came to the house of God week by week the trauma slowly began to dissipate and leave my soul. I began to feel free and liberated for the first time in a long time and I can only thank Jesus Christ for the healing of my soul.


I was also in need of a job and I kept coming to the house of God with that expectation and hope, one day I had a council with the man of God and he told me he would take it in his own hands and pray with all his might. About three weeks to a month after our meeting I was given a job by the Lord and I can only thank Jesus Christ for his provision his breakthrough and his outpour of mercy in this area. This was a great relief for me as it was stressful not working here in Canada.


All glory praise and honour to the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour amen and I thank the man of God for his prayers his counsel and his tireless labour in Gods house. Thank you Jesus.

Christ Life Embassy Ministries testimonies-1

I went online looking for churches and I found the name of Christ Life Embassy Ministries and I was very drawn to it immediately. I felt a supernaturally lead that to come to service and I decided to obey.


I have been oppressed by demonic spirits for the last year heavily in my dreams and it was not going away. On my very first service the man of God prayed all forms of oppression in my home be uprooted and since that service depression that has been hounding me for one year has completely vanished. I give all glory praise and honour to Jesus Christ for healing me and I thank the man of God for his prayers.


Also after that very first service the following week I received a job opportunity out of completely nowhere. I know that this is the hand of the Lord but I’m still astounded at what God has done just one service here in the tabernacle of God. Call glory praise and honour to the name of Jesus Christ and I thank the man of God first counsel and prayers.

testimonies christ life embassy ministies

I was on the Internet one night looking for churches and I found a church by the name of Christ Life Embassy Ministries and I couldn't believe there was a ministry that talked about the House of God like no other, I read that this church is a place of power, healing, breakthroughs, and miracles and I felt this was a Devine appointment.


I give God glory because the very first service the man of God prayed for me and I felt an immediate shift inside my spirit. Some residual pain or trauma was taken from my soul that very day. Since then as I have been coming, I’ve been given more access to divine visions of God, I’m hearing God more and more and this gifting is from the strong presence that lives in the sanctuary. Finally, I have been given the gift of divine health by God here in the sanctuary as I feel renewed in vitality, appearance and energy and I am radiating inside and out.


I give all glory, praise and honour to the name of Jesus Christ and I thank Him for what He has done for me in such a short amount of time. I thank the man of God for his prayers and his counsel in my life as well. All glory to God for now and forever more. 

christ life embassy ministries reviews

On Thursday night we had a prayer meeting at the house of God and the man of God said that tonight is going to be very powerful. As we were praying, I felt deliverance coming out of me and I felt impartation entering inside of me.


Since that night I can testify onto the glory of God, the fire of God in my spirit has been magnified and quantified by leaps and bounds. I have a newfound Drive, grace and anointing to pursue God in a deeper manner. That night the fire of God came inside of me and I want to thank God for this power.


The servant of God always teaches us that we need to break our limitations and break our limits with God, and since that evening that has truly happened in my spiritual walk with the most high God. I thank the men of God for his prayers, his counsel and his wisdom in my life. All glory to God, Jesus my Lord and Saviour. The drive that I feel since that evening is a supernatural energy to seek Him always, and this is something that is sacred to my soul. For now and forever more. Thank you, Jesus. 

Pentacostal Testimonials

I want to give God all the glory for what He has been rapidly doing to me in The House of God.  About 2 weeks ago I had been feeling very anxious and almost discouraged because I couldn’t find a practicum facility that would host me as their student and time was ticking, every answer was a no or was because they were closed for spring break.


Last Sunday’s service the man of God, Pastor Christian was led to pray for me and asked me what I needed prayer for and I immediately requested for God to open up a facility that can host me, which Pastor Christian prayed for. The very next day, I got my answer and more!! Hallelujah! The practicum director shared with me that she is also a born again Christian, she offered that I bring my 2 little children with me while I do my practicum on her site so that I don’t have to worry about my own childcare!!


It was honestly God who put that all together. I feel so blessed and just beyond thankful for God answering my prayer and for Pastor Christian’s prayers that break through to the third heaven. All glory, praise,  and honour to the Most High God for now and forever more.


I got into a cycling accident on Feb.23rd and Ended up with bruised ribs and a badly sprained shoulder.  I had to take 3 work days off, and also was not able to go to the gym and play ice hockey as per usual.


Pastor invited me to my first prayer meeting on Mar. 14th, on one of my prayers I asked God for a quick healing process for my injuries. Lo and behold, in the same week I was able to play two hockey sessions on the same day, one pick up game and one league game.  It was a miraculous healing with speed and God restored me supernaturally from my physical ailment. 


I would like to thank God for the quick healing I was granted, all glory,  honour and praise to the name of Jesus Christ. I also want to thank the man of God for all that he does for God‘s house and God‘s children. He is truly a vessel of the spirit and His devotion to God is unmatched. Thank you Jesus for your touch on my life. Amen and amen. 

penticostal church testimonials

I give Glory to God for what He has done in my life both in the natural and in my spiritual life since coming to this ministry, especially of late. Last week,  the servant of God messaged me in the morning and he declared that God has imparted me with the power of fasting, onto the glory of God I noticed that my fasting power has increased leaps and bounds and it has had a great effect on my spiritual life.


The man of God has taught that fasting fastens you to God and a Christian can only fast by the grace of God and now I’m experiencing it. Thank you Almighty Jesus for the spiritual gifting and spiritual power, all glory, praise, and honour to Jesus Christ. 

penticostal church testimonies

Divine protection over my family. 

I've always declared God's word over my family just as it says in Acts 16:31 "So they said, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.”

Some Sundays ago Pastor Christian, mentioned that scripture and again I declared it over my family. 


Yesterday my husband went up the mountain with his friends to go on a snowmobile run before the season is over. They usually go off-grid where there's no cell coverage. I had a discernment that yesterday was a little bit off so I prayed against what I was feeling.


When my husband came home he said that he got into an accident up the mountain and couldn't call me. He said as he pressed the gas pedal the snow powder sprayed all over his face causing a sudden visual distortion at the same time he pressed his gas pedal right on full. He flew up 50 feet in the air and down with his snowmobile that weighs 700lbs. His two friends thought he was dead with how he flew up and landed.


My husband could not explain how he got off the snowmobile, flew up in the air, and the snowmobile not land on him. He got up with zero injuries whatsoever, not even pain! Hallelujah. That is God's divine mercy and protection over my family. God is faithful. I glorify the Almighty king of kings! 

Reviews christ life embassy

Last Thursday I saw Pastor Christian for counselling in the morning. Towards the end of the session he said that a few days before Thursday, God showed him that a blessing was coming my way.


Not knowing what it was I believed it, I claimed and received that blessing upon me immediately. That same evening, I also joined the 7pm prayer meeting group, And our beloved Pastor prayed for wealth for all of us, and again I claimed it for me too! When I got home that night I opened my laptop and checked my email, I received an email from a bursary I applied for back in February which is when I began coming here. When I clicked my email the first sentence said “Congratulations, your application has been approved for funding!” First thing I did was sing to God and praised Him.


Ever since I’ve been coming to Christ Life Embassy, I have been walking in testimonies! This is the most powerful church I have ever been a part of. I thank our mighty God for His provision and His mercy, and I also thank the man of God for his care and ministration towards my life continually. Glory to God! 

christ life embassy Reviews

I give all glory and praise to our Almighty God for His protection over my family.


We had to drill into a concrete slab for one of our installations. I told the site superintendent that we need the concrete scanned before drilling to ensure we don’t hit any critical pipes or conduits. 


The site team didn’t want concrete scanning and told us to proceed without it. 


Right before my dad was about to drill into the slab, the electrician stopped him because there was a 600-volt cable in that location. 


The electrician was heading home for the day and walked by just in time. If my dad hit that cable, he would’ve died instantly. I thank God for saving his life. 


The man of God has taught that God’s protection extends to our families when we’re planted in the Tabernacle of the Holy Spirit. What a privilege to be a part of this powerful ministry. Hallelujah to Jesus Christ!

reviews christ life

Wednesday evening at around 1 am, my two year old was heavily attacked. He woke up vomiting three times out of nowhere with a 104 degrees temperature. My initial reaction was to rush him to the hospital. Instead The Holy Spirit led me to pray and bind that spirit of infirmity that was plotting around my child.


The previous Sunday, we had the opportunity to have an anointing oil service. I did what Pastor Christian taught us and I remembered what he said, that we can also use the anointing oil in times when we are feeling strong. I anointed my child and he and I prayed together, my 2 year old was agreeing with me!


The next morning, my son woke up with no fever and was feeling brand new! Glory to God! A supernatural recovery and healing occurred almost instantaneously and I want to thank God and give Him all the glory for His healing powers and virtues. I also thank the man of God for his kindness and administration towards me and my family‘s life continually. Thank you Jesus!!

reviews christ life embassy-

I was dealing with a lot of toxic work related issues during my work shifts (eg. gossip, talking behind others back, and other drama) during my Thursday prayer meetings I had the opportunity to ask God Almighty to bind all the negativity at my workplace, and unto the glory of God, for the last 2 weeks, since I have been going back to work, all the issues have been solved and everything has improved. The gossip has stopped, the slander has stopped, and the overall negative atmosphere has been deceased.


I would love to thank God for making my work place a non toxic environment.  I would also like to thank Almighty God for giving me increased ability and increased grace in my prayer power. I have been continually attending the prayer meetings and my endurance, skill and ability have grown leaps and bounds in such a short amount of time.


All glory, praise, and honour be to the name of Jesus Christ and I thank the servant of God for his ministration and his help towards my life. Amen 


As a mom to 3 wonderful children under the age of 6, I am always moving, most of the time I don’t get much sleep. My 8 hour sleep days are gone. In this church, Pastor Christian always asks God to give us the power to fast and pray. I have been praying for that power to seek God through feverant fasting and prayer grace.


Last month, I had a situation I needed to pray for with desperation. By His grace, God gave me the strength to fast until almost dinner and to keep praying throughout the whole day. I give God praise and glory for imparting me with the power of fasting and prayer as I continue to grow in the Lord.


I praise God for His faithfulness and for the privilege that He gives us every day to go before His throne of grace. To be planted in this ministry and be taught by a Holy Spirit ordained man of God is also a true blessing I am beyond grateful for because for so many years I have been yearning and searching for a deeper teaching that can help me understand the immeasurable love that Jesus has for me, and here is where I began to understand and manifest the true meaning of why it is such a privilege to be a child of the most high God! 

Christ life embassy reviews-

I give Glory to God because I was in the midst of a difficult situation filled with trials as my work was refusing to pay me on time. Even though it was causing me internal stress by the grace of God I had the power of severe resiliency, peace, and joy in the midst of the fire. I can rest assured in my soul and say that this was the power of God at work because most people would have yielded to the stress based on the particular circumstance.


I want to give Glory to God for granting me peace, joy, determination and strength in this moment, I did not backslide, in fact, I only grew in the Lord so thank you, Jesus, and thank you to the man of God as the Holy Spirit God has clearly imparted strength into my spirit and my soul.


The man of God has thought that in life there should be tribulations but when the strength of God enters inside of you we rise over those tribulations and that is how we become conquerors in Christ. Thank you, Jesus. You're the God of wonder and grace! Amen

Christ life embassy reviews-2

The man of God has taught that God first heals internal matters of the heart before He performs outwardly in our lives. I am grateful to have experienced this firsthand. 


My internal healing happened within three months while being planted at Christ Life Embassy Ministries. Before plantation, I carried a deep resentment of my past; I was depressed, bitter, and had little love for life, but the more time I spent in the house of God, the heaviness was lifted, and joy was imparted into me in each visitation. 


Almost three years later, by the grace of God, peace and joy occupy my soul in a way I never thought possible. I have fallen in love with life through falling in love with God! The joy of the Lord has an effect not only on myself but also on my relationships, my family, and my business. Even during tribulation, I still occupy God’s divine joy, and it came only through scheduling my entire life around the church, making the temple of The Holy Spirit my number one priority.


I praise Jesus Christ for the privilege and honour of having access to this ministry and the wisdom of His servant. The joy of the Lord is just one of the countless blessings I have received from Mount Zion, and I will be faithful to the house of the Almighty God until the day I give up the Ghost.

reviews about christ life embassy

I want to share this testimony with you today because of how wonderful God is, He is always worthy to be praised. 


About 2 years ago my mother went back to the Philippines because her visitors visa expired. During those 2 years we were faced with challenges and worries we may not see her back here in Canada again. 


We still proceeded to apply for a new visa but this time a work visa, where if granted she’s able to work here legally in my husband’s construction company. 


September is when we started the process and hadn’t heard much ever since. February of this year is when I started to come here to the house of God. During the prayer meeting back in March, I requested for my mom’s visa approval to be granted. Before we prayed, God spoke to the Man of God, and He showed Pastor Christian a vision of documents being handed to her. I received that prophetic message by faith. And today my mother is here with us. 


I give glory to an almighty God. He is able to do all things and He is faithful to keep His promises. What a privilege it is to be planted in a powerful church where you can experience God’s miraculous work. A church where we have a Holy Spirit ordained Pastor whom God speaks to about us, and invests his time praying for us. He is also one whom I’m truly grateful for and I thank God for that and give Him all of the Glory.

christ life embassy reviews-3

I have known the man of God for a long time and we live in the same neighbourhood and I would see him every morning praying with all of his heart. I believe in the son of God and after multiple invitations from the man of God, I decided to come to the house of God.


I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit immediately and I felt a strong power inside the sanctuary upon entry. After three services I can say and testify onto the glory of God that I feel healthier, more vitalized with more energy, and even look younger. I thank the most high God for granting me access to divine health and it is truly a great virtue.


Also, I have had long standing shoulder pain, and I’ve taken many medications but the pain has never subsided, Until last Sunday the servant of the most high God came to me in service and asked me what I want God to do for me and as he laid his hands on my shoulders and commanded healing,  I felt a supernatural current take away the pain in my shoulder. The painkillers that I’ve been prescribed by the doctors have had major side effects on my life and mental well-being. God has healed me from a long-standing yoke of pain in my body, and I’ve come here to glorify God and magnify his name for what He has done for.


Unto the glory of God, I am free from the meds and the side effects this day! Thank you Jesus and thank you to the man of God as well, for helping me and delivering me of this burden. God is truly an all poweful God. 

christ life embassy testimonials-2

What a powerful and miraculous God we serve! Since 2009 I had a benign cyst in my right breast, I tried my best to get it healed, from seeing medical and holistic doctors to taking so many supplements, and no matter what I still had the lump inside.


Last month, God touched me here, divinely at His house. The man of God prayed over me for divine health to enter inside of me. The magnitude of Pastor Christian’s prayer reached God’s ear and a few days after his prayer, I noticed that the lump was gone. I’ve just been in awe at how fast and powerful His work is in this church. That all I could do was sing to Him in praise. For so many days I was observing where my lump went and God has completely melted my cyst out of my body.


I’m truly grateful for Jesus’ promise of giving us divine health, that by His stripes we are healed from any ailments. God is still healing, He’s still giving us miracles. What He truly wanted was for me to seek Him first, because He is the true healer. Now I can say with gladness and thankfulness that I am healed. I give all the glory to our Almighty Father and I am beyond grateful for Pastor Christian who prays on our behalf. All glory, praise, and honour to Christ Almighty!

christ life embassy reviews

Two weeks ago I fell on my arm and felt an immediate sharp pain in my wrist area. As the day progressed the pain began to get worse and worse. I went to the doctor and the doctor told me that I had broken my wrist and that I would have to wear a cast for an extended period of time.


The following week both inside the prayer meeting and inside the Sunday service the servant of the most high God prayed for me for supernatural healing. I felt the pain in my wrist begin to subside and when I went back to the doctor, he said that my wrist was not broken anymore but it just suffered a fracture.


I give glory to the most high God for his healing power and his mercy and I thank the servant of God for praying for me as well. Since coming to Christ life embassy a month ago I can testify to the glory of God that I felt a radiant joy in my soul, heart and mind that I’ve never felt before, God has granted his daughter supernatural joy from the heavenly realms and all forms of sorrow, heaviness and depression were lifted out of me with great speed. I give Glory to God for the impartation of the spirit of joy and now I am a daughter of jubilation and laughter everywhere I go. Thank you Jesus, thank you to our pastor, and all glory to the most high God for now and forever more. 

christ life embassy ministries testimonials

One month of coming to Christ Life Embassy Ministries, the power of the most high God has already delivered a long-standing pain killer addiction from my life. But I was taking two more heavy painkillers with yet long-standing side effects. I have come here today to testify to the power of God that is at work and this assembly.


Two weeks ago in the Sunday service, the servant of the most high God laid His hands on me and decreed supernatural health and healing of addictions. After the Sunday service, I threw out the second painkiller and I had zero withdrawal, God has set me free once again and I give Him glory honour and praise for helping me and healing me his child.


The following week after the prayer meeting the man of God prayed for deliverance for my final and third pain killer, lo and behold when I went home that night I was propelled to throw the medication in the garbage and I woke up with zero desire and zero withdrawal once again.


The God of Christ Life Embassy Ministries has now healed me of three long standing painkiller addictions in a span of one month. What an incredible omnipotent powerful God that we serve and I thank  Him for what He has done for me. I also want to thank the man of God for his tireless efforts prayers and counsel over my life, all glory and honour to the name of Jesus Christ amen.

christ life embassy ministries reviews

I praise the Almighty God for imparting me with His grace both naturally and spiritually. 


I have been highly consecrated this week and I have been praying and studying His word more than usual. The man of God taught about divine awareness a couple services ago, he taught that one’s level of holiness is directly correlated to their level of awareness of God. Through consecration my awareness for God has increased, allowing me to occupy more of a pure mind and more desire for the Almighty God which has resulted in more spiritual labour. 


This has also had affect on my work as well, I have been able to complete tasks that I have been procrastinating on. I give all glory to the most high God! I thank Jesus Christ for planting me in this powerful ministry and for the privilege of being trained by His servant.

christ life embassy ministries references

I have had a long-standing severe pain in my right hand and fingers. I’ve tried many remedies to no avail, however on Thursday night by the grace of God I came to the prayer meeting and asked God to supernaturally heal my hand.


I immediately felt the power of the Holy Spirit begin to subside the pain, and I went home and slept, the following morning I woke up and all the pain inside my hand had vanished and dissipated by the power of the most high God.

The hand pain was affecting my ability to drive, work, and do daily tasks, but the most high God has healed me once again and I’ve come here to give Him all the glory,  honour and praise.


I thank the man of God for his prayers and counsel upon my life, and truly I have become a walking testimony. Thank you Jesus Almighty.

Christ Life reviews

I glorify God for His favour, provision, and answered prayers! 


A client of mine was very late on a large payment and wasn’t responding. I diligently prayed for the payment to be released, but to no avail. 


I then remembered that the man of God taught that life issues only become important to God when the person becomes truly desperate for them to be resolved. So last Sunday, I asked the man of God to pray again, but this time, I was truly desperate, screaming in my heart as He prayed. Three days after the man of God prayed, my payment was finally released, hallelujah!! 


I thank the man of God along with everyone at the prayer meetings who helped me pray. I give all praise to our Omnipotent God for His faithfulness and power. I exalt the name of Jesus Christ.

Christ Life Embassy Physical Healing Testimonials

I’ve had a long standing skin issue called eczema, and it was causing me stress and unconformability. Two services ago, the man of God prayed from the altar of God commanding healing to my body and I received the prayer in faith. The following morning I woke up and the long standing eczema skin issue had been removed from my body supernaturally. I give all glory to God for healing His daughter of this ailment in lightning speed.


When I first moved here from the Philippines I had to wear gloves on my hand so people would not see my eczema, now by the grace of God, I’ve been healed and set free and I thank Jesus for His wonderful works. I also thank the man of God for his ministration, his prayers, and his teaching for God‘s children in God‘s house. All glory, praise and honour to the name of Jesus Christ. 


For now and forever more.

testimony at christ life embassy ministries

I Went on a vacation to Mexico and God truly showed how merciful He is to His daughter. He delivered my 2-year-old son, Sean, from the spirit of death. Last Monday, my family and I were at the beach and waves were very strong, so I asked them to come further away from the ocean.


Everything was fine; the kids were running and chasing each other in the sand. Then a powerful wave knocked Sean to his knees. I ran to him and helped him get back on his feet. Just a step or two later, another wave came, knocking both of us down and pulling us into the ocean. Before I knew it, Sean slipped out of my hands, and he was gone! What felt like an eternity was actually only a few seconds as I searched for him. I couldn’t see him at all. The waves had moved him a few feet away from me. All I saw was his hat floating, but even with a life jacket on, he was pulled underwater.


During this chaotic moment, I felt as though I had lost my son. I didn’t think he was dead, but he was gone, and in the midst of the chaos, all I could do was turn to God. I kept crying out, "Lord Jesus, please help me! Oh my God, where is Sean?!" God’s Word promises that when we call upon His name, we shall be saved. At that moment, I believed that what I could not do, God could do because He is a powerful God—a God who saves and delivers. He did that and more for my children. I was able to supernaturally swim under and find them in a vast ocean.


The Man of God taught us that the protective power of God follows us wherever we go, even outside of unreasonable times, when we are planted in God's house. I glorify God! When you are devoted to the House of God and you are faithful, so is the Father. It is crucial to always put Him first, seek Him first, and spend time with Him first, no matter where we are in the world. We must always remain in His presence.


I’m truly grateful and beyond blessed to have Pastor Christian who teaches me these keys in spiritual food, that helps me grow in the Lord and closer to God wherever I am in the world. God Bless you Pastor for investing your time praying for my family and I, I also give you thanks and I give all the glory to our powerful and merciful God.

testimonials at christ life embassy ministries

I give glory to the Most High God. Last week in church, my holy Father, the beacon of God’s wisdom, taught us about giving and offering as pillars of prosperity. As I listened to his message, I searched my bag and found a small amount of cash. Following his guidance step by step, I felt and was prompted within my spirit to manifest the spiritual oracle of giving onto God.


At the end of the session, with joy in my heart, I approached the offering bowl and asked God for blessings and prosperity. To my astonishment, after months of long delay, a payment was released into my account—a divine gift that I consider the first of many. I am certain that God’s generosity knows no bounds.


I offer increasing praise and glory to the Most High God, who has been abundantly generous to me. Thank you, Holy Father, for your profound wisdom and generosity, leaving us with your divine teachings. May God’s love continue to grow in your heart, just as it does in ours. I give glory honour and praise to the name of Jesus Christ for blessing his daughter with this supernatural seed. Glory to God .

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One morning , the man of God issued an unexpected directive; obtain my driver’s license. It was a refrain I’d heard countless times, dismissed as irrelevant. After all, I had no intention of driving. Yet, my father’s words carried the weight of divine wisdom and grace. If he guided me, I resolved to give my utmost effort. In the midst of my frustration and physical discomfort, I studied diligently.


Against all odds, I succeeded—I obtained my license with an impressive 91% score. Glory to the Most High God! My dear holy Father’s encouragement brought joy to my mother’s heart. Truly, I trust that God, the most beautiful, will continue to work miracles in our lives.


I thank Jesus Christ for giving me the grace to study and giving me the courage to take the test, and I thank the man of God for taking time to guide me and showing care to my personal needs and interests. All glory to the name of Jesus Christ.

Christ Life Embassy Testimonies.webp

I give glory to the Most High God. Last week in church, my holy Father, the beacon of God’s wisdom, taught us about giving and offering as pillars of prosperity. As I listened to his message, I searched my bag and found a small amount of cash. Following his guidance step by step, I felt and was prompted within my spirit to manifest the spiritual oracle of giving onto God.


At the end of the session, with joy in my heart, I approached the offering bowl and asked God for blessings and prosperity. To my astonishment, after months of long delay, a payment was released into my account—a divine gift that I consider the first of many. I am certain that God’s generosity knows no bounds.


I offer increasing praise and glory to the Most High God, who has been abundantly generous to me. Thank you, Holy Father, for your profound wisdom and generosity, leaving us with your divine teachings. May God’s love continue to grow in your heart, just as it does in ours. I give glory honour and praise to the name of Jesus Christ for blessing his daughter with this supernatural seed. Glory to God .

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Last Sunday in the house of God we had the privilege of partaking in the holy communion table, and the man of God taught us that we must come to the table filled with desperation in our spirit while praying. In my work,  my superiors have been paying me late repeatedly for a long outstanding period.


It had come to the point where it was causing me financial burden and stress because how often they would never pay on time, but after the holy communion the following week they paid immediately what was owed to me by the grace and power of God. I can see now that all satanic delays in my work have been uprooted by the power of God via the holy communion table.


I give all glory, praise, and honour to the name of Jesus Christ for helping His daughter and I thank the man of God for his tireless dedication and prayers over the God’s children within the assembly of the Saints. Thank you Jesus.

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About a month ago Pastor Christian messaged me to let me know to always pray warfare prayers before going in a taxi because God showed him a satanic accident waiting in my timeline. A few weeks later, Pastor Christian again messaged me to pray warfare prayer for my family and I for God’s protection.


Soon enough, the devil's tactic was at play, strange things were happening in my home from small accidents hurting my children, and to a near miss fatal accident in a taxi with my 2 young children. Just last week, I got in a cab with my 2 babies after my practicum and I was prompted to pray as per the instruction of our pastor. While I was praying with my spirit, a large pick up truck almost hit us.


I know an angel of the Lord stopped that truck from hitting us just inches away. The taxi driver was so shaken that he had to stop and gather himself together. Without Pastor Christian’s instructions and reminder, I would have gone about my day casually.


I give glory to God for delivering my family and I and for giving me a spiritual father whom God speaks to! All glory and praise to Jesus Christ Almighty. 

church testimonials.webp

I had made plans to go on a zip lining tour in Victoria and it was something that my heart greatly desired, however, I asked the man of God for his permission and it was clear he was reluctant for me to engage in such an activity. The night before I was going zip lining I had a vision where I saw me and my mom get into a severe accident that was catastrophic in nature, and it was that day that I was going zip lining.


When I shared the vision with the man of God, he let it be known that the devil was waiting to cause an injury to me with this adventure and God is instructing me not to engage. Now I can rest assured in my spirit that the most high God has delivered me from a major accident and I’m so grateful in my heart that He showed me this before it could happen.


I give all glory, honour, and praise to the name of Jesus Christ for His supernatural protection hand upon my life and my mother's life. Thank you, Jesus. I also want to thank the man of God for his instruction, his wisdom, and his council in both my spiritual life and natural life. Amen. 

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I’ve been coming to this particular household of faith for some time, and I can testify for certain that God has shown me His mercy, grace, and favour in multiple areas of my life. One such specific area is within my work. At the prayer meetings the servant of the most high God always decrees for promotion in our work lives, and two weeks ago onto the glory of God I was given a substantial raise at my work.


I’m so happy and joyful within my soul that God has given me this great favour and I know for certain that this is the hand of exaltation that only the most high God can deliver. I thank The servant of the most high God for his continual council, wisdom and prayers upon my life, and the financial blessing that God has given me has made me and my family very grateful.


Thank you Jesus! Thank you for the love that you have shown me and thank you for the mercy that you have shown me by giving me the financial seed. All glory to God for now and forever more. 

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Since coming to this church the most High God has done so much for my life in terms of healing, deliverance breakthroughs and spiritual growth, it is truly a marvel to behold. The man of God told me that it was time to start a side business so that God could elevate me in my finances, however, I had been bound by the spirit of procrastination for so long, whenever I wanted to move forward with a business idea, it is like something within me would always stop me from taking the adequate steps necessary.


However, two Sundays ago, the servant of God prayed for me and bound the spirit of procrastination and since then it is like a fire of God has been injected into my spirit in terms of productivity and divine ideas for my business. I’ve been waking up in the middle of the night with idea after idea how to drive my new business forward.


I give glory to God for healing me of procrastination and I thank the man of God for his prayers and counsel in my life. I feel like a new person with a new drive and a new ambition.  All glory to the name of the most high God for now and forever more. I lift up the name of God for His fine work in my life! 

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I've experienced a remarkable transformation in just a short time at this church! After attending only two services and participating in three prayer meetings, I've noticed a profound impact on my overall well-being. Struggling with self-doubt and insecurity, I've been amazed to find my confidence restored.


It is as though the boldness of God has been imparted into my spirit and I feel courageous with overwhelming confidence that I’ve never felt before ever, surely this is the hand of the most high God and I’ve come here today to give Him glory honour and praise for His healing and deliverance in my life.


I thank the man of God for his counsel, his prayers, and his zeal towards God's children and I’m very grateful that God has led me to this particular assembly of the Saints. Thank you, Jesus, I worship you for now and forever more. Amen

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I’ve come here today to give glory to the most high God for the powerful work He's done in my life since entering the doors of this ministry a short time ago. By the grace of God the spirit of God has imparted me now with the power to fast on a daily basis, with zero cravings and great energy and vitality throughout the day.


The servant of the most high God taught that the gates of assembly of the Saints is where were imparted with spiritual gifting and I thank God for giving me this incredibly powerful virtue.


I thank the man of God for his teaching, his care, and his kindness towards the children of God within this church, and I can rest assured in my soul that week by week I am becoming a new creature onto the glory of the most high God, for now and forever more amen.

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The servant of the most high God has taught many times how important it is for the child of God to serve God instead of God just serving us. Over time my grace, ability, and desire to serve God and His church has grown exponentially and I’ve come here to testify today that the most high God has truly imparted his daughter with severe power of kingdom service.


God's profit has taught that when you're resourceful in God‘s hands the resources of God come into our world, and since engaging in heartburn kingdom service, I have abounded in many spiritual and natural blessings in my life. I give glory to God for giving me the power to serve His kingdom and His church with all my heart and I thank the servant of God for teaching us that service is critical in the kingdom of God and our relationship with God.


Thank you Jesus for your grace, thank you Jesus for your power,  and thank you Jesus for your anointing in the area of kingdom service. Glory to the most high God for now and forever more.

christ life embassy testimonial.webp

I remember the very first day I walked into this church I felt an incredible power that I’ve never felt, and I knew within my soul there was something very special about this particular household of faith.


I have had a long-standing issue with a family member that caused me a lot of grief and trauma within my soul, however, two weeks ago I was able to explain the situation to the man of God and he told me not to worry because the most high God will set you free. That very Sunday the man of God prayed for me in service and since that day, the pain and trauma in my heart have been supernaturally uprooted by the power of the most high God.


I’ve come here today to testify and give glory to God for healing his son and delivering his son and giving me a brand new heart, free from burden, free of pain, and it is truly a marvel to experience. Thank you Jesus for what you have done to me and thank you to the man of God for taking time and care in this issue of my life. All glory to the name of God for now and forever more. 

christ life embassy testimony.webp

I praise God for leading me to this church, where the Holy Spirit is truly alive. When I first attended here, I was deeply lost and broken, struggling with a long list of sins I couldn’t overcome on my own. Despite my longing for a deep relationship with God, I felt hopeless and found no solace in the many churches I attended.


The man of God says that upon Mt. Zion there shall be deliverance and I can testify onto the glory of God that week by week my confidence, my boldness, my courage and my self worth began to exponentially grow in ways I have never experienced. This is by the handwork of the Almighty God and I’ve come here to give Him glory, honour, and praise for making me a new creature and bringing out that lion nature of God within His daughter.


No more am I fearful, no more am I timid, no more am I shy, no more am I broken, and I could never thank Jesus Christ Almighty enough for what He has done within my soul. I also want to thank the man of God for his dedication to the church of God and his constant prayers over me and my family‘s life. Thank you Almighty Jesus for now and forever more.

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I glorify the name of the most high God for what He has done for me since I stepped foot in Christ Life Embassy Ministries. The man of God has taught that most human beings are very rushed in their spirit with God and with life, and I can testify this is true. I was in a rush to see my family again and I was in a rush in many natural areas of my life, but by the grace of God,  the spirit of patience has now entered within me, and the power of anxiety has been destroyed.


Also, I went through a time of heaviness and sorrow within my heart because I miss my family in Iran, however, as I continued to come to prayer meetings and Sunday service the peace that surpasses all understanding began to work through my soul. I give God glory for granting me the spirit of patience and the spirit of peace, because these were two strongholds that were holding me back for so long.


Thank you Jesus for your love,  your mercy,  and your grace and what you have done for your daughter and thank you to the man of God for all that you do for me. All glory and honour to the name of Jesus Christ for now and forever more amen. 

christ life embassy reviews.webp

I have much gratitude in my heart for the opportunity to engage in these ordained prayer meetings in the house of God, and I’ve come here today to testify onto the glory of God that God has increased my prayer ability, in fervency, strength, and endurance.


I never knew what a beautiful experience prayer could be until I came to Christ Life Embassy and I thank Jesus Christ Almighty for increasing the power within me onto the glory of God. The man of God has said numerous times in service that prayer is the most important ritual of all of humanity‘s lives, and I’m starting to experience it on a fundamental and supernatural level through the power and grace of the spirit of God.


I thank the man of God also for his guidance and for teaching me and the other children of God how to pray and pray well. All glory to God for now and forever more.

reviews for christ life embassy.webp

I came to the house of God about three months ago and I can testify onto the glory of God that He has done so much for me in such a short amount of time. I’ve had a long standing skin issue on my hand called psoriasis which no medication and no doctor was able to heal, in fact, it just got worse over time, but after some time in the house of God, my skin issue has now been supernaturally healed by the power of the most high God.


Week by week I just kept noticing it improving and the rash in the marks and the spots vanishing more and more. Thank you Jesus for healing your son, for I am forever grateful, and thank you to the man of God for praying for me and always instructing me in the ways of righteousness. All glory and honour and praise to the name of Jesus Christ for now and forever more amen. 

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I have had a long-standing issue of drama and chaos in my work life and it was beginning to cause me some stress internally. However, I knew the God of Christ life Embassy ministries is infinite in power and I kept coming to the prayer meeting asking God to sow peace, unity, and love within my work atmosphere and remove all forms of gossip and chaos. 


Two weeks ago at the prayer night, I asked God to remove all drama from work, and onto the glory of God immediately the very next day there was great peace and unity while I was at work. All the anger,  all the malice,  all the strife, all the gossip was removed in one day by the power of the most high God, and I’ve come here to give Him glory today and thank Him for what He has done for me.


 I also thank the man of God for teaching me how to pray and showing me the relevance of having a strong prayer life, thank you Jesus for your power and grace. 


I give all glory to our Almighty God for His guidance and instructions. 


My forklift broke down, and I urgently needed to purchase a new one. The day I was going to buy one, the man of God told me he had a vision for me not to make the purchase. 


Although I desperately needed the forklift, I obeyed the instructions and had faith in the Lord our God. 


A couple of weeks later, I got the green light to proceed, and I ended up finding a better forklift in better condition for half the price. I glorify our Omnipotent God for His favour and provision. 


I also have a procedure I want to get done, and God has been attentively instructing and guiding me through His Prophet. God has been showing me through visions exactly where and when to have it. 


What an incredible honour and privilege to be led by our Heavenly Father, and thank you to the man of God for his counsel. The God at Christ Life Embassy Ministries is a living God who acts mightily in the lives of His children. Thank you, Jesus!

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For years, I struggled with an addiction that felt all-consuming. I often felt trapped, unable to escape the grip it had on my life. I tried to fight it alone, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t seem to break free. It was during this dark time that I turned to my faith and began attending church regularly.


Over the following weeks, I prayed not just for relief from my cravings, but for the wisdom to understand the root of my addiction and the courage to face it head-on. With each prayer, I felt a growing sense of peace and healing. As I came to church more and more, The urges that once overwhelmed me began to lessen. It was as if the chains binding me were slowly being broken, and indeed they were! 


I give glory to God for supernaturally delivering me of long-standing addictions and I thank the man of God for always praying for me and instructing us to live a sober life. All glory, honour and praise to the name of Jesus Christ for now and forever more. 

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The servant of God has taught so many times how building the power of prayer is the most important fundamental spiritual process of our lives. By the grace of God, I’ve been able to pray well over an hour a day for some time,  but a deep desire inside of me grew to pray in longer time duration. 


The servant of God taught me that we must build systems that will enhance our power to pray marathonic prayers, and through a process of trial and error,  I built a prayer system that greatly enhanced my prayer power to pray longer. 


All of a sudden I was praying two hours and beyond for the first time in my life and I felt a supernatural joy beyond words. I want to thank Jesus Christ Almighty for giving me the power to pray longer and the grace to build this prayer system, and I also want to thank the man of God for his private instruction in spiritual growth that has helped me tremendously. All glory, honour, and praise in the name of Jesus Christ for now and forever more. 

christ life embassy testimonies.webp

Two weeks ago at the prayer meeting, I supplicated before God for a brand new car. I was currently on a two-year waiting list for my new truck, and then the following service, right at the end of service the dealership called me and said that we now have your car. It was not the exact model so I decided to reject it even though the man of God said I should receive,  it is from God, to my surprise the following day I received another call saying that they have now the exact model that I requested. It is nearly impossible to buy this car, but the Lord thy God sent me two options right after service by His strong Hand. I give glory to God for answering my prayer and blessing me with this beautiful provision for me and my family in such a supernatural and profound way. Thank you Jesus, and thank you to the man of God for all you do for me as well. All Glory to God. 

christ life embassy ministries testimonies.webp

The servant of God has taught so many times how building the power of prayer is the most important fundamental spiritual process of our lives. By the grace of God, I’ve been able to pray well over an hour a day for some time,  but a deep desire inside of me grew to pray in longer time duration. 


The servant of God taught me that we must build systems that will enhance our power to pray marathonic prayers, and through a process of trial and error,  I built a prayer system that greatly enhanced my prayer power to pray longer. 


All of a sudden I was praying two hours and beyond for the first time in my life and I felt a supernatural joy beyond words. I want to thank Jesus Christ Almighty for giving me the power to pray longer and the grace to build this prayer system, and I also want to thank the man of God for his private instruction in spiritual growth that has helped me tremendously. All glory, honour, and praise in the name of Jesus Christ for now and forever more. 


Every Sunday at 11:00 a.m.

Prayer meetings:

Every Thursday at 7:00 p.m.

Contact us


18 Gostick Place, Unit 200

North Vancouver, BC V7M 3G3

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